Source code for munin.distance.genre

#!/usr/bin/env python
# encoding: utf-8

# Stdlib:
from itertools import product

# Internal:
from munin.distance import DistanceFunction
from munin.helper import float_cmp

[docs]def compare_single_path(left, right): """Compare a single path with another. :returns: The ratio of matching numbers divided by max. length of both. """ n = 0.0 for l, r in zip(left, right): if l != r: break n += 1 return 1 - n / (max(len(left), len(right)) or 1)
[docs]class GenreTreeAvgDistance(DistanceFunction): """ Like :class:`munin.distance.genre.GenreTreeDistance`, but use Average Linkage instead of Single Linkage. This is recommended if you have long genre descriptions, like produced by :class:`munin.provider.genre.DiscogsGenreProvider`. """ def do_compute(self, lefts, rights): if not lefts or not rights: return 1.0 dists = 0 lefts, rights = sorted([lefts, rights], key=len, reverse=True) for left in lefts: dists += min(compare_single_path(left, right) for right in rights) return dists / len(lefts)
[docs]class GenreTreeDistance(DistanceFunction): """DistanceFunction Calculator for comparing two lists of GenrePaths. (Lists of GenrePaths as returned by the GenreTree Provider) """
[docs] def do_compute(self, lefts, rights): """Calculate distance between two genre paths by using complete linkage. :param lefts: A list of Genre Paths. :param rights: A list of Genre Paths to compare with. :returns: A distance between 0.0 and 1.0 (max diversity.) """ min_dist = 1.0 for left, right in product(lefts, rights): min_dist = min(min_dist, compare_single_path(left, right)) # Optimization: Often we get a low value early. if float_cmp(min_dist, 0.0): break return min_dist
if __name__ == '__main__': import unittest from munin.provider.genre import GenreTreeProvider class TestSinglePathCompare(unittest.TestCase): def test_valid(self): inputs = [ ((190, 1, 0), (190, 1, 0), 0), ((190, 1, 0), (190, 1, 1), 1 / 3), ((190, 0, 1), (190, 1, 0), 2 / 3), ((190, 0, 1), (191, 1, 0), 1), ((190, 0, 1), (190, 0, 1, 0), 1 / 4), ((190, ), (), 1), ((), (), 1) ] for left, right, result in inputs: self.assertTrue( float_cmp(compare_single_path(left, right), result) and float_cmp(compare_single_path(right, left), result) ) class TestGenreTreeAvgDistanceFunction(unittest.TestCase): def test_valid(self): calc = GenreTreeAvgDistance(GenreTreeProvider()) a = [(85, 0), (190, 2), (190, 6)] b = [(85, 0), (190, 2, 0), (190, 2, 1), (190, 6)] self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute( a, b ), 0.333333333333 / 2) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute( a, a ), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute( b, b ), 0) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute( [(1, 0)], [(0, 1)] ), 1) class TestGenreTreeDistanceFunction(unittest.TestCase): def test_valid(self): calc = GenreTreeDistance(GenreTreeProvider()) def full_cross_compare(expected): self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute(a, b), expected)) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute(b, a), expected)) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute(a, a), 0.0)) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute(b, b), 0.0)) a = [(85, 0), (190, 2), (190, 6)] b = [(85, 0), (190, 2, 0), (190, 2, 1), (190, 6)] full_cross_compare(0.0) a = [(1, 0), (0, 1)] b = [(0, 0), (1, 0)] full_cross_compare(0.0) a = [(0, 1)] b = [(1, 0)] full_cross_compare(1.0) a = [(1, 0)] b = [(1, 1)] full_cross_compare(0.5) def test_invalid(self): 'Test rather unusual corner cases' calc = GenreTreeDistance(GenreTreeProvider()) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute([], []), 1.0)) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute([], [(1, 0)]), 1.0)) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute([], ['berta']), 1.0)) # Funny one (strings are iterable) self.assertTrue(float_cmp(calc.compute(['berta'], ['berta']), 0.0)) # Passing a non-iterable: with self.assertRaises(TypeError): calc.compute([1], [2]) def test_rule(self): calc = GenreTreeDistance(GenreTreeProvider()) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute([(1, 0, 1)], [(0, 1, 0)]), 1.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute([(1, 0, 0)], [(1, 1, 1)]), 2 / 3) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute([(1, 1)], [(1, 1)]), 0.0) self.assertAlmostEqual(calc.compute([(1, 1)], [(2, 0)]), 1.0) unittest.main()

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